Our Departments

Our Departments

RCCG Tower of David offers a wide range of ministries for each family member to get connected and grow closer to God. We encourage you to get involved. Church is much more than a Sunday morning experience. Join a ministry to really get to know your church family, and to make serving the Lord a bigger part of your everyday life. God has equipped each of us with talents and gifts that He wants to use to expand his kingdom.

The Lord’s Army (Men’s Department)

The vision of the Men’s Department of Tower of David parish is to raise an army of men who are mighty in God’s hands to do exploits in God’s kingdom. After the order of Ezekiel chapter 37, the New Creation Man is called to arise and occupy his rightful place in the family, church and community. The department seeks to empower manhood from a holistic perspective and help men fulfil their role as major change agents in the world. The department also seeks to encourage mentoring of younger men in order to enhance their relationships, finances and general well-being in life.

Virtuous Women (Women’s Department)

The vision of the Virtuous women is to fulfil Proverbs 31 v 10-31 as women of virtue full of wisdom, strength and dignity who love God, fear God and apply wisdom in all the affairs of life. The Virtuous Women Department of Tower of David church are women who are dignified, respected in society and empowered to be all that God has called them to be.

The Joshua Generation (Children’s Church)

The vision of the Children’s Church is to raise children who will challenge and impact their generation with their passion for Christ and love for the Kingdom. The department’s vision is anchored on the call of the Lord Jesus Christ in Luke 18:16 to the children “suffer the little children to come unto me”. The department encourages the children to be all that God has called them to be by organising Christ centered, Bible based teaching and fun activities that will empower the children to lead lives that are meaningful and impactful.

Evangelism and Outreaches

The vision of the evangelism department is proclaiming the good news of the Kingdom and winning souls to Christ. The biblical anchor for the department is Mark 16:15. Apart from personal evangelism where members of the church are encouraged to share their faith with the unsaved, the department also organises outreaches and crusades where the word of God will be preached with the expectation of the inner personal conversion of the hearers. Part of the aim of these outreaches is to drive the growth of the church and fulfil the mandate of RCCG to take as many to Heaven as we can.

High Tower Drama Ministry (The Drama Department)

The vision of this department is to impart the Kingdom of God using the medium of drama and film productions. The department does this by seeking the face of God for divine revelations on drama ministrations which will expound the message of the Sunday service in church as well as full productions during special events such as conferences and conventions. The members of the department have a passion and a zeal to see the lost reconciled to the Lord and the Lord has been faithful to give them the grace to carry out this heavenly mandate.

Media and Publicity Department

The vision of this department is to help reach the community and the world at large with the gospel of the good news through print and digital communications. The department is also responsible for supporting the Church’s ministry by publicising the Church’s activities, providing communications and public relations services. It works with the other departments in the church especially the drama and evangelism departments to share God’s word on the social space. It is responsible for the information on the church’s website, Facebook page, Twitter handle as well as other communications activities.

The Holy Spirit Prayer Band (the Intercessory Arm of the Church)

 The vision of the prayer band is to pray the will of God to be done on earth as it is in Heaven for individuals, families and the Church. The Biblical basis for the department is the calling as Priests unto God in 1 Peter 2:4, 9 and Revelation 1:5 where the scriptures declare we are a holy and royal priesthood and a Kingdom of Priests. The department also seeks to pray until the power of God is restored in the Netherlands and Europe. The department carries out it’s function in daily online prayers and by meeting at least twice a week to lift up prayers on behalf of the Church.

Visitation and Hospitality Department

This department of the Church has the vision to show care and concern for people. Their vision is anchored on Acts 2:46, 1 Peter 4:9 and Hebrews 13: 2. It is the caring arm of the church visiting people who have just gotten out of the hospital, people who are home-bound, people who are grieving over the loss of a loved one or friend, people who are fighting disease, people who are just plain lonely or maybe for the care-giver who is busy running errands, trying to prepare meals and trying to keep things together through a crisis in the family. Anyone needing encouragement, comfort, or a sense of belonging is a candidate for the Visitation and Hospitality Department!

The Solid Rock Choir

The praise and worship arm of the Church is responsible for leading the congregation into the presence of God with songs and music ministration that lift up and exalt the Most High God. The Psalmist repeatedly enjoined that we sing praises to God whilst John 4: 24 exhorts us to worship God in spirit and in truth. The Solid Rock Choir does both…lifting the congregation to heights that brings a focus of Jehovah the Most High and complete surrender to His will and purpose. The vision of the Choir is driven by a lifestyle of prayerfulness and holiness which ushers the congregation into an incredible time of intimacy and joy during the praise and worship service.

At God’s Feet (the Sunday School Department)

The vision of the Sunday School department is simple but profound – to use the materials for the Sunday School produced for the Redeemed Christian Church of God worldwide, to teach the word of God in order to equip men and women with the necessary tools and insight to be effective ambassadors for Christ in their everyday life. The biblical foundation of the department is Daniel 12: 4. The department’s vision is also that the Sunday school sessions will allow members share the word freely and allow for deep interactive learning sessions where the power of God will be manifest.

The Lord’s Servants (Ushering Department)

The ministry of ushering is a vital part of the church ministry. Ushers represent the church in a very visible way, and help set the tone in preparation for the worship service, as well as assist with the smooth operation within the service. The vision of the ushering department is to provide excellent support that promotes an atmosphere for a conducive and effective worship service. The Biblical anchor for the department is Ephesians 6:7 – “work with enthusiasm, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people” (NLT). The service of the department is rendered with joy unto our Lord and Master Jesus, who is the author and finisher of their faith.

Logistics/Technical Department

The Logistics and Technical Department of the Church as the name denotes are the burden bearers of the Church handling all the logistical and technical aspects of the Church including moving and setting up the equipment for Sunday service, evangelistic outreaches and other outside engagements involving the Church equipment; ensuring the equipment are working optimally. The biblical anchor for the department is Acts 10:38. The department ensures that as the gospel of the good news is spread abroad, the necessary equipment to ensure it is clearly heard is always made available.